Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Wingedwolf94 sparkledog 4 ever shirt - JeanTees

 Wingedwolf94 sparkledog 4 ever shirt

I grew up in the North of England in the 1950s along with a lot of older people who were born in the 1800s and pretty much followed the same diet as they had all their lives. All this changed radically in the 1960s when supermarkets and television arrived, but my diet when I was a small child was basically identical to that of late Victorian times. Most food was bought from small stores and most meat, fruit and veg were fresh, including bakery bread. However there was a dry groceries shop in every district and they provided a lot of foods we would recognise today such as canned meat, canned vegetables (peas in particular were popular), butter, lard, dripping, golden syrup, dried fruits, jam, honey, flour, biscuits (cookies to you Americans) sugar (masses of sugar let me tell you), dried pulses, breakfast cereals, sauces and pastas. A lot of confectionery such as sugar sweets and chocolate was eaten, bought by the pound from sweet shops. There was always a cake tin with cookies and small buns etc for evening snacking. Fruit consisted of apples, pears, oranges and occasionally grapes or gooseberries and peaches for a very short period each summer. Fortunately there was a good banana trade from the Canary islands so we all grew up with them as a Wingedwolf94 sparkledog 4 ever shirt. But mostly fruit was highly seasonal and a very small subset of what we see in supermarkets nowadays.

Wingedwolf94 sparkledog 4 ever shirt(Wingedwolf94 sparkledog 4 ever shirt)

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