Monday, May 30, 2022

 I’m Not The Step Dad I’m The Dad That Stepped Up Shirt

Santa does not have to be 800 pounds. This means don’t try and pack 3 pillows in your waistband so you look huge. If your arms look like tooth picks and I’m Not The Step Dad I’m The Dad That Stepped Up Shirt your waist looks gigantic, kids will notice. Don’t skimp on the costume. It is far better to rent a quality outfit with a realistic beard and wig than a cheapo off the rack generic fall apart after one season suit. Again, kids will notice the gap in the back where the drawstring holds the pants together. Parents, do not tell the children that “Santa is coming” sometime soon. They will loose all interest in eating or any other activities. A knock on the door and Santa showing up uninvited is a rush for parents and the kids.

I'm Not The Step Dad I'm The Dad That Stepped Up Shirt(I’m Not The Step Dad I’m The Dad That Stepped Up Shirt)

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