Egal Wo Ich Mich Herumtreibe Apfingen Wird Immer Mein Zuhause Sein Shirt
There isn’t one Christmas party, there are at bunch of Egal Wo Ich Mich Herumtreibe Apfingen Wird Immer Mein Zuhause Sein Shirt . Which one you actually attend depends largely on which division you work for. This year, my division’s party was held at the de-young museum of art in San Francisco. There was a live band, a few catered food options, and a handful of bar stations scattered throughout the main hall. Both the band and food were great. As for the atmosphere, imagine a bunch of introverted software people quietly congregating among themselves while drinking and avoiding getting out on the dance floor. Dress attire was anything from a formal tux or cocktail gown to tattered shorts and flip flops. I’d say most people made an effort to get dressed up. This wasn’t atypical of the majority of the 7 or 8 Google holiday parties I’ve attended. I had a good time, but it’s not exactly a kicking party. It’s a lot of standing around sipping on a drink and conversing with your coworkers. The museum was open to explore which isn’t uncommon either.

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