I Don’t Think Jesus Does It This Way T Shirt
The I Don’t Think Jesus Does It This Way T Shirt of your question is the opinion on what amounts to an “occasional indiscretion”. For one guy an occasional indiscretion is, that he emails his ex stating that she “still is beautiful”. For another guy an occasional indiscretion means going to a swinger’s club with his mistress, not with his wife, and having sex with many women, without telling his wife. “This is an occasional indiscretion, because I only do this a few times a year! And I am very thoughtful and considerate about my wife’s feelings! That is the reason I do not hurt her by telling her about it. My mistress even helps my wife and me keep the marriage going. If I would not have this relationship with my mistress, I would miss out on so many things in my marriage, that I would file for divorce! My wife should be very grateful for the hard work of my mistress. One day we may have a threesome together, to let the both of them experience my irrisistable sexual prowess”!

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