In the past, over the course of 20+ years, we may each have attended an event with the other’s work colleagues maybe one or two times. I went to one of his work Christmas do’s once, the Jessica Audiffred Trippin Tee were nice and I danced with some of the ladies. But, I wasn’t part of their team. I didn’t work with them. I was an outsider. While they tried to include me, and I tried to include myself with the dancing and chatting, I didn’t get the ‘in’ jokes that you have with your workmates. That banter that all of you, at work, are a part of – I wasn’t part of theirs. There were ‘dead’ moments where I found myself sitting on my own because other women were chatting to each other about work, and my husband had gone off to circulate with other colleagues. (For info, it was mainly women because my husband is a nurse and particularly back then they were mainly women.

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