Dad A Son’s First Hero A Daughter’s First Love T Shirt
A lot of Dad A Son’s First Hero A Daughter’s First Love T Shirt watch too much idiotic porn and have their threesome fantasies. Working online for years has exposed me to enough of that to know damned well how utterly ridiculous those fantasies are. I know my limits, i spent over a decade riding that edge quite intensely. Shortly before my youngest turned 18, i ended up in the hospital for a few months and am now on disability. I can take care of myself just fine. What my daughters could do for me in the christmas party situation is make sure i don’t hook up with someone who’s going to try to take care of me, and also the other end where someone needs me to take care of her. Out in the ‘normal’ world, it’s basically that, normal. At an office party intended for people in my line of work… well, there sort of isn’t such a thing. Actual offices for this sort of stuff tend to be full of people who can’t quite mesh with each other because they tend to specialize in little parts, but there’s usually some crossover, and that means most think they’re experts in someone else’s job, moreso than how it usually is in a lot of other fields except sometimes hospitals. Even freelancers tend to specialize and subcontract assorted things out to friends. I didn’t do that, i handled the art, database administration, marketing strategies, and frequently had to dive into a client’s business that usually had nothing to do with information technology.

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