Dad Fuel Western Father’s Day Shirt
That means when they find out those are my KIDS, it’s likely to disrupt that confidence/dominance a bit and suddenly the bit of Dad Fuel Western Father’s Day Shirt turns into admiration for the old dad bringing a little herd of young women into an environment that’s still often dominated by dorky old losers who are frequently nowhere near as good at their jobs as women in the same field. Advantage: me. Alternatively, women on the other end of the spectrum are more likely to realize right away that those are my kids. Seeing that will make them much more likely to talk a bit, curious what it’s like for them to grow up with a weirdo nerd dad. In either case, i’m safer with them around. Crazy tends to be able to recognize its own kind, and the three of them are significantly different sorts of crazy, so all those bases are covered. They’re also all artistic in different ways, so there’s a similar effect/skill with that.

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