Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Love Like Jesus Leopard Print T Shirt - Elise


Love Like Jesus Leopard Print T Shirt

Once self-driving technology is genuinely ready for the Love Like Jesus Leopard Print T Shirt time, you should trust it because human drivers are slow-witted, easily distracted, impatient, absent-minded, and happy to take life-threatening risks to save a few seconds. Every human driver is to some extent. You are. I am. We all are. We cannot be trusted behind the wheel. A computer makes decisions at lightning speed, never takes its eye off the road, never gets distracted, never gives less than 100% of its attention to the task at hand, patient, and will be programmed to prioritise safety over speed every single time there is a conflict. There is a famous quote in the world of self-driving cars – I’m afraid I forget who said it, and I also forget the quote itself, so I’ll paraphrase – but the meaning should be clear nonetheless.

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Hompage: elisetee

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