Things I Do In My Spare Time Playing Disc Golf Player T Shirt
One huge challenge in removing the Claiborne Overpass is finding aThings I Do In My Spare Time Playing Disc Golf Player T Shirt to send the crosstown traffic that uses it to get from one side of the Pontchartrain Expwy. to the other. As it stands, there’s only two flyovers (Jeff Davis Pkwy. and Broad St.) between the Claiborne and Tulane exits. The most likely candidate for another flyover would be Galvez St.; but one glance up Galvez from the hospital complex shows it’d be a logistical nightmare to put a flyover there. There are high-tension power lines, the upramps for the Claiborne interchange, multiple railroad lines coming into the Union Station, and more. It’d be great to be rid of the Claiborne Overpass — it’s an eyesore, costly to maintain, and only going to get worse. Likewise, it’d be super convenient to be able to cross the Pontchartrain Expressway at Galvez. But the whole thing would be an infrastructure project of an enormous scale. Frankly, I don’t expect to live to see it happen.

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