Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Let’s Go Darwin American Flag Camo Women Men Lets Go Darwin T Shirt - Elise


Let’s Go Darwin American Flag Camo Women Men Lets Go Darwin T Shirt

Then there’s students… now, I can’t think of a Let’s Go Darwin American Flag Camo Women Men Lets Go Darwin T Shirt in history when students weren’t irritating. But modern students are uniquely irritating in that they’re authoritarian little sh*ts who will try getting their teachers fired for saying foreign words that sound like bad English words. These are kids who were raised on an extremely watered down version of merit by helicopter parents who told them they can do no wrong and who, in every instance, automatically sided with their kids over teachers. This is actually a new phenomenon. In “the olden days” if your parents found out you’d been punished by the school, they’d then punish you too just to really hammer home the point that you screwed up. I used to hear stories from my mom of her hiding the fact she’d had detentions knowing that if her mom found out, she’d be grounded. I know of a kid (he’s my young cousin’s friend) who called social services on his mom for grounding him and social services took his f*cking side! How batsh*t crazy is that!

Let’s Go Darwin American Flag Camo Women Men Lets Go Darwin T Shirt(Let’s Go Darwin American Flag Camo Women Men Lets Go Darwin T Shirt)

Buy it now: Let’s Go Darwin American Flag Camo Women Men Lets Go Darwin T Shirt - Elise

Love Like Jesus Leopard Print T Shirt - Elise

Love Like Jesus Leopard Print T Shirt - Elise

Love Like Jesus Leopard Print T Shirt - Elise


Hompage: elisetee

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