Jesus I Wear Blue For My Husband Hope Love Jesus Diabetes Awareness Shirt
As a galaxy forms, a random Jesus I Wear Blue For My Husband Hope Love Jesus Diabetes Awareness Shirt of matter in space coalesces into a disk, or some other elongated and curved form. This process can be thought of akin to a ballet dancer tucking in her arms and legs as she spins, resulting in her spinning much faster. In classical mechanics, ignoring all relativistic effects and nonlinear terms, this can be described simply as follows. Moment of inertia, the quantity relating to how hard a force has to try to rotate an object, increases as an the matter becomes more central due to its own gravitational attraction. This, by conservation of energy, the angular velocity must increase proportional to the square root of the decrease in moment of inertia. All in all, this phenomenon happens in many ways right in front of you every day, however galaxies boast a much more grandiose scale than we are akin to conceptualizing.

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