Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Deer Hunting Shirt I Like Hunting Beer Camo shirt - Elise


Deer Hunting Shirt I Like Hunting Beer Camo shirt

Firstly, I bow to you, Anon. You have successfully done something I wanted to do for months, and that is take down those who expect the Deer Hunting Shirt I Like Hunting Beer Camo shirt to accommodate their inability to read. Your methods seem a bit excessive and overboard, but I agree with the intent. Now the answer: Oberyn dying/getting mortally wounded is a big thing. He is de-facto Number 2 of Dorne, that the Crown is courting (to counter Tyrell influence and to prevent secession on that front). If Oberyn dies/is critically injured, the priority for the establishment is try to see if anything can be done and then give a good funeral. Immediately executing Tyrion is a mark of disrespect against his defender, Prince Oberyn-something that will not endear Lannisters to the Dornish (a second Eliagate so to say). If this was Bronn, Tyrion would be off to the gallows the next moment. Because it is Oberyn, the Crown will want to wait a bit, and let things settle.

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