Thank You For The Memories RIP Meat Loaf 1947 2022 T shirt
Okay, so this was back in seventh grade. Our final exams were coming up and -me being very easily distracted- I was trying to make sure every bit of Thank You For The Memories RIP Meat Loaf 1947 2022 T shirt was perfect, so I wouldn’t get distracted. However, the nose-pad on my glasses was slightly loose, so every few second, I would find my glasses on the end of my nose. My hair on the other hand was very short, not ponytail length, but still long enough to bother me because of the curls. In order to solve both of these problems I decided to use some scotch tape and 2 hairbands… By the time I was finished, I had my hair in 2 ponytails sticking out from my head, my glasses scotch taped to my forehead and one of my dad’s [humongous] t-shirts on over a pair of regular length shorts for comfort. I was, you could a say a comical sight. Now, above my desk there is a small [white] shelf with exposed sides, about an inch thick. The white space was bothering me more than my Geography books were apparently, so I decided to cover them. at the end of 5 mins, half of the 2m long side was covered with multi colored post-its with my favorite song quotes on them. Another thing you should know is that every day I go out to play basketball with about 7 others, but I had told them not to call me out to play those 2 weeks on account of my exams. When I heard the doorbell ring, I told my grandmother to please tell my friends that I wouldn’t be coming out.

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