Wednesday, December 22, 2021

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Alligator Christmas Pajamas For Men Women kids T Shirt tee

For those who claim it’s a religious issue (as if to say all religion should be taboo), to that I would just say that the Alligator Christmas Pajamas For Men Women kids T Shirt tee of those who celebrate Christmas do so in a secular fashion. However, what if they didn’t? The majority of Muslims celebrate Eid, primarily as a religious observance. It is therefore wrong to mention it, lest you offend non-Muslims? Not at all. Even in America where the percentage of observers of Hannukah and Eid are in the single digits, I wish all the Muslims I know “Happy Eid.” There is nothing wrong or politically incorrect about doing so. My wife and I don’t have children. When we’ve gone out on Mother’s Day, waitresses would sometimes wish us “Happy Mother’s Day.” Do you think we got angry and said “How dare you wish us a happy day! We have no children!!!”??? Of course not. We smile, and say “Thanks so much. Same to you.” In short, there is nothing wrong with wishing someone well on whatever occasion you wish. If anything is offensive, it’s those who want to impose their own narrow-mindedness on others and who wish everyone would do just as they do! Those who get offended over nothing are obviously very unhappy people who will continue to live in misery and spread misery to those around them.

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Hompage: Teejeep  Cataloge

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