Best born to cum dick is a fuck shirt hoodie
The Germans had the best replacement system, the US the worst. The German system was regional so you would fight with men you may know and from the same areas. They all had a training battalion back home so many had the same drill instructors and training. In contrast the US had the repple depple. Men from anywhere would be sent to plug gaps. Usually you went where people needed men of your type. However your MOS or type could instantly be changed in an emergency or just situational adjustment and suddenly you’re slogging on foot across Europe with a rifle instead od being a field clerk. Repple depples usually sent mens in ones or twos to units. Men in units tried not to learn their names since statistically you were mostly likely to be killed in your first 3 days in combat. This also meant you were avoided because you didnt know what you were doing. This meant replacements got killed rapidly – often so quick no one knew their names. It also meant a lot of Best born to cum dick is a fuck shirt hoodie died senselessly and that it was a needlessly more traumatic, scary, and lonely experience than men needed to go through.

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