Cage The Elephant Kentucky Tornado Shirt hoodie
During the Battle of Stalingrad for a weeks nonstop the Russians had setup gigantic speakers. They played a clock ticking 24/7. Every 7 seconds a bell would chime and a female voice would say “Every 7 seconds a German landser is killed in Russia” and the clock began ticking again. Nonstop. 24/7. For weeks. Unfortunately its been proven since his death that Steven Ambrose either was grossly negligent in his historical work or outright lied about several incidents on DDay that also were highly defamatory to Allied soldiers memories. im also not a fan of Ambrose because he protrays the Germans as either the best soldiers ever sometimes (when often in those cases they were shoddy ost truppen) where other times he makes the Germans look like hapless buffoons when they were excellent troops and Cage The Elephant Kentucky Tornado Shirt hoodie such nonsense disrespects the memory of Allied troops who had to overcome one of the most skilled tactical armies of all time.

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