Banksy graffiti achieve greatness stop asking for permission shirt hoodie
Besides the shock and horror and depression and genuine concern for my personal life and the country and world in general, it finally almost broke my relationship with my mother. We’ve always disagreed politically, as well as on my lifestyle but I somehow always assumed and wondered if she was partially or completely right on issues of disagreement or at least had some good points. Occasionally in the heat of spouting talking points I’d doubt that she had any sense or knowledge at all, but once she voted for that “man” I snapped. I cancelled my trip to visit for xmas and stopped speaking to her almost completely until the petition started going around to get the electors to jump ship and when she finally signed it I decided to act like her son again as long as she never breathes another word about politics to me again. I now realize she is totally just another brain dead FOX automaton and I can’t stand seeing her that way. As long as she just talks about flowers and friends and jobs and hobbys and dogs etc I can forget what she’s become, but it came pretty close to her losing her son completely. In a way I feels like I have lost her, or at least all of my respect for Banksy graffiti achieve greatness stop asking for permission shirt hoodie. And it’s really sad.

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Hompage: elisetee
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