Sunday, December 26, 2021

Im Using Tilt Controls Shirt hoodie - Elise


Im Using Tilt Controls Shirt hoodie

Hitler wasnt a coward. In WW1 when the telephone lines were cut bexause the srtillery fire was so heavy a runner was called. That was Hitlers job. Its one perk was he didnt sleep in trenches. He ran around them all day but slept in a more traditional barracks. He was wounded, and also ended the war blinded from poison gas. Shen Chamberlin was touring the Berghof with Hitler in 1936 he was surprised at a giant painting of a WW1 British Tommy. Knowing Hitler had been a German soldier and also fought specifically against the British asked why he had the painting. Hitler lit up and explained that it was a picture of a Im Using Tilt Controls Shirt hoodie British soldier (it was, I forget his name but you can google this, Chamberlin called him when he got back to England and the man remembered the incident and rued he didnt shoot) who was a hero that Hitler encountered. In late 1918 Hitler was running a message and had just lost his weapon in a shell blast. He gathered himself and realized a British soldier was bearing down on him from about 40 feet with his Lee Enfield. Hitler thought it was his end and kinda just stood there.

Im Using Tilt Controls Shirt hoodie(Im Using Tilt Controls Shirt hoodie)

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Hompage: elisetee

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