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The Lunar New Year is the new year of the Hidin From Biden Anti Joe Hiding Biden Trump President 2020 Shirt tee, which is based on the moon’s cycle around the Earth. The calendar of the standard New Year is based on the Earth’s cycle around the sun. Btw, the term “Chinese” New Year was referred by Chinese immigrants in other countries, particularly Western countries, to distingush it from the standard New Year and beacame a habit over the years. In fact, Chinese do not even know the Lunar New Year is the new year of the Lunar calendar, so they certainly did not invent it. On the other hand, Vietnamese certainly know that Lunar Calendar New Year is based on the moon’s cycle, so at the minimum, Vietnamese call it by the correct name. Lunar New Year is the celebration of the new year of the Lunar calendar. Lunar calendar is based on the moon cycle around the Earth. On the other hand, the standard calendar is based on the Earth’s cycle around the sun.

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