Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Ski Dad Vintage Skier Tee Only Way Cooler Dad Skiing T Shirt - Elise


Ski Dad Vintage Skier Tee Only Way Cooler Dad Skiing T Shirt

The ideal of the Ski Dad Vintage Skier Tee Only Way Cooler Dad Skiing T Shirt to tell lie about Vietnam is originated from China is created by their leaders because they wanted to invade us, however, they are unable to win against us in battle so they created the lie story about Vietnamese culture to make the Vietnamese think they are actually originated from China which is something very dangerous and stupidity. That joke is called culture invasion. Lunar New Year in Vietnam has been called Tet or Tết Nguyên Đán, we celebrated it from Dec 23 to Jan 1 in Lunar calendar while the Chinese called it as Xuân Tiết and they cerebrated it from Dec 8 to Jan 1 in Lunar calendar. In the Confucius Sutras book – the Chinese master Khổng Tử wrote: “I don’t know what New Year is, maybe it is the name of a big festival. They call that day Te Sa ”.

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Hompage: elisetee

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