Sunday, March 31, 2019

Water Boarding Instructor TShirt

I don’t know if it’s something new God has been teaching me but has definitely Water Boarding Instructor TShirt  reminding me a lot of lately. We are all called to live our lives boldly and fully for Christ. Lives that take us out of our comfort zones; lives that push us beyond what we have done for Him before; lives that take every opportunity to share Christ and what He has done for us. To not live in fear of what may happen to us or what the Government may or may not due in the future. But to try and live a life not fearing the unknown and only concerned about what we can do in the here and now for God.

Water Boarding Instructor TShirt, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Water Boarding Instructor

Buy it Now: Water Boarding Instructor TShirt

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