Monday, March 25, 2019

Proud Autism DadAutism Awareness Shirt

I start yelling and Proud Autism DadAutism Awareness Shirt. My mom’s dogs tattle on each other. The Tattler will bump nose the other dog in the butt right up to my mom. The dog who did it has a totally guilty face! We know one dog isn’t always at fault cause they both do it to each other. Ug like my youngest pain in the butt love him like no other but also he’s a pain In the butt I don’t know how many underwears he’s chewed up of the whole family, not just mine chewed up walls stole and chewed up my glasses chewed up different pairs of shorts digs holes chewed up the underneath of my bed just numerous things and he’s only six months old he’s so destructive with his teeth.

Proud Autism DadAutism Awareness Shirt, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

Proud Autism DadAutism Awareness

Buy it Now: Proud Autism DadAutism Awareness Shirt

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