Saturday, February 26, 2022

Official Need Beer Right Meow Cat Mask St Patrick Day Quarantine Shirt - teeyame


Official Need Beer Right Meow Cat Mask St Patrick Day Quarantine Shirt

Because the blame has gone upon President Trump for NOT being like the rest of the world to impose Martial Law Prison Lockdowns nationally. European Nations took an incarceration punishment role to put them citizens in home arrests for months unable to leave their homes to work or even get food or walk outside. They boast that they took the right steps to control the virus. Canada has one eighth the population and has imposed prison lockdowns on their people as in New South Wales Australia. The rest of the world look at America as the super spreader of the world and seen the dismissive attitude at time with the President. IT’s ALL about perception. Because of their perception ALL these nations have banned Americans from traveling abroad for many years to come. Europe may ban any and all Americans from stepping foot on their continent up to 8 to 10 years because of their negative perception of how America has dealt with the virus. Canada has permanently shut its borders to the USA until their Administration and Prime Minister has an election change late in 2023,

Official Need Beer Right Meow Cat Mask St Patrick Day Quarantine Shirt(Official Need Beer Right Meow Cat Mask St Patrick Day Quarantine Shirt)

Buy it now: Official Need Beer Right Meow Cat Mask St Patrick Day Quarantine Shirt - teeyame

Official Yes I Am Old But I Saw Meat Loaf On Stage Signatures Shirt - teeyame

Official Yes I Am Old But I Saw Meat Loaf On Stage Signatures Shirt - teeyame

Official Yes I Am Old But I Saw Meat Loaf On Stage Signatures Shirt - teeyame


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