The Chute Nashville Tennessee Shirt
I applied to the dear moon project, to go around the The Chute Nashville Tennessee Shirt in 2022 where the Japanese billionaire reached out to the world overall wrote a good application about the moon and the wish to see the world from outside of the sphere the gift to go to space is a beautiful thing, one that many dreamt up and now that it’s available it’s depressing to know it’s only the insanely rich that can go. The space lovers make me happy for them, it’s the ungrateful rich, the exploiters and assholes, the alberta gas kids and Amazon destroyers, that I think don’t deserve the divine gift which is seeing our world’s sphere from the stars. This Japanese billionaire believes the same thing, the submissions are closed, but what he asked was for artists, of all kinds, spiritual or singer, painter or photographer or filmmaker. Cause art is something that makes you feel things. Like beautiful music or film.

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