The next thing to happen was that we sailed out and had a lovely meal while the group sang, and then we found a I Am Mcvay Shirt to do some fishing. She’d always wanted to learn how to fish, and it was a really fun group activity, especially when we all got caught up in our lines and couldn’t work out who’d actually caught the fish! By the time it was nearing dusk I realised her father was plotting a specific course and we headed to a floating platform where friends were waiting, and the firework display began. That was just beyond beautiful, it was a really nice way to end of the night, and as we sailed back to the port we watched a movie on a little stand, and the day was perfectly finished. It may not be anywhere near as elaborate as the parties others have had over the years, but that was by far the best and most elaborate birthday party I’ve ever attended. I think it was the personal aspects of it that made it so special, the fanciness and frills just topped it off so well.

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