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My stepfamily – my brothe
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My Christmas Eve mail one year included a Aaron Judge 300 Home Run Club Shirt summons to attend a county court hearing soon after Christmas in January in connection with an association of which I was an officer. At the time the association was collapsing in acrimony with endless quarrelling between the members, and a member who had been expelled from it was taking myself and three other officers to court for unfair expulsion. As the case was not properly defended by the association member who had the task of defending it, this member was awarded his costs, which were about £4,000, and so I and three other officers had to pay about £1,000 each out of our own pockets, as the association was insolvent. I hasten to add that the litigation in connection with this association (which involved three different court hearings) was the only time I have ever been involved in any kind of civil litigation in my entire life. A few years later I received another court summons on Christmas Eve, this time a summons to a local magistrates’ court in connection with a motoring offence, namely receiving four speeding penalties within three years. When I appeared in court in January again, the magistrates told me that they could see no reason why I should not be disqualified from driving, and so I was disqualified for a six month period I also hasten to add this was the only time in my life I have ever been the defendant in a criminal court (and of course the only time I have ever been disqualified from driving). Naturally both of these items of mail arriving as they did on Christmas Eve somewhat marred my Christmases in those two Page : Limoteesr, brother’s wife, and her kids (which he adopted) – have many wonderful qualities, but organisation is not one of Bryson Stott Good Hitting Of The Ball, Kyle Shirt. Even when I was 15 my brother (18 years older than me) would call me, panicking, on Christmas Eve, wanting me to come shopping and help pick out stuff for his girlfriend. Now that he’s married and in his fifties, he no longer calls me for shopping help, but I expect he still leaves a lot of it till Christmas Eve. This year I’ve been texting him and my niece since September, asking what to get for my nephew and his partner (who I don’t know that well, and I’ve never met his partner), my niece’s partner (ditto), and five kids (I was never an average kid and have no idea what to buy children, as shown by a couple years ago, when I bought the 3-year-old a box set of the Chronicles of Narnia, and then was startled when I was gently told that 3-year-olds can’t read. I taught myself to read with Enid Blyton at 3, and my dad gave me Narnia by the end of that year, but apparently this is not the norm).

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