Tuesday, April 23, 2019

You’re about one smart ass comment away from being my co-star shirt

It wasn’t just any old paper: it was conceptual and needed to be seen from above, ideally. Anyone following the You’re about one smart ass comment away from being my co-star shirt on social media will have seen that he has been posting about this monumental art installation for weeks. Perhaps being a little more open-minded might help some of the nay-sayers here understand better. From his posts, it seems like that may have been part of the point, although it would have been nice for it to remain protected for a day or so before being torn apart.

You’re about one smart ass comment away from being my co-star shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt

You're about one smart ass comment away from being my co-star

Buy it Now: You’re about one smart ass comment away from being my co-star shirt

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