Tuesday, April 26, 2022

2 Strikes Shirt - T-shirt Sky

 2 Strikes Shirt

Firstly, you are assuming that savants are at an advantage over the 2 Strikes Shirt of humanity – but in practice, this is rarely the case. Most savants are hugely better at one aspect of life – but much worse at others. As Wikipedia puts it: “Savant syndrome is a condition in which a person demonstrates one or more profound and prodigious capacities or abilities far in excess of what would be considered normal, yet often also has significant deficits in other areas of brain processing.” So rather than an overall “win” compared to the rest of society, these people seem to have a brain defect where processing resources that should be used for more mundane (but still important) things have been redirected towards one very narrow aspect of life. These people often have a harder time of things than they otherwise would…and this suggests that they might have a harder time meeting people of the opposite sex and having children – so evolution is not working to turn all of humanity into savants.

2 Strikes Shirt(2 Strikes Shirt)

Buy it now:2 Strikes Shirt - T-shirt Sky

2 Strikes Shirt - T-shirt Sky

2 Strikes Shirt - T-shirt Sky

Homepage: teeclover t-shirtsky. jeantees


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