The Kardashians 15th Anniversary 2007 2022 Signatures T Shirt
A The Kardashians 15th Anniversary 2007 2022 Signatures T Shirt argument applies to things like high-functioning autism – which is a general disadvantage – and would be a disaster if too many people in a society had it – but having an occasional highlyfocussed individual who can ignore emotional distractions is an advantage to society as a whole – and they are never entirely evolved away. When humans lived in small tribal societies, where there was always a degree of in-breeding – the tribal group would have a better chance of surviving it it had a few left-handers and a few savants – and a worse chance if it had none of them or if everyone was a left-handed savant. Hence the evolutionary balance results in the percentages of these kinds of people that we see today.

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The Kardashians 15th Anniversary 2007 2022 Signatures T Shirt - Teeclover
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