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This feast, although not as impressive as Easter, is nevertheless an excellent time to prepare ourselves, not just for the I have no pronouns do not refer to me shirt of Our Saviour into the world, the first time, but we are to prepare for His Second Coming, which will arrive as unfailingly as the first one did. Most of us will not be on earth when He comes again, but we will nevertheless experience all of this in our very own end of this world, when we die, and must stand before the judgment seat of Christ and answer for our lives. So we prepare for that dread event NOW, by, above all, going to confession weekly. If you do not already do this, now is an excellent time to start, This coming Sunday – 1 December- is the start of a new year! So begin this week to prepare for the coming of our Saviour!

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I can go out for dinner and within a Official Lamar Odom T t shirt hour drive I can find awesome Italian food, good French restaurants, German, Polish, Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, Mexican, Ethiopian, Greek or Malaysian food and may others. Granted in NYC you can probably find all of that in a 3 block radius in NYC, but it is nice to have. I can go to a supermarket and find jicama, lemon grass and other exotic ingredients. If I can’t find it in the supermarket there is probably an ethnic food store within a short drive where I can. I can spend a day at the beach with many thousands of others laying blanket to blanket, or go to Island Beach State Park where the crowd is controlled and the scenery and sand dunes probably don’t look a lot different from what the first European settlers encountered when they reached the shores of NJ.
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If an hypotetical third invasion would have followed the same pattern of the previous two, the Mongol would lose again. Logistically, having a Trump Make 4th Of July Great Again 2023 Shirt based army crossing the sea is a nightmare, and this force the Mongol to follow a predictable route to land at the Hakata bay, twice. And despite their strenght, they weren’t able to make any significant victory in Kyushu, but suffered several defeats. So even by a tactical point of view, when the Mongols didn’t have an obvious numerical advantage, they lost all of their battles, like at Akasaka, Torikaigata or Mikuriya. The role of the kamikaze has been overblown by the defeated mongols and by the japanese clergy; in the first invasion, there is no mention in japanese sources of any storm, and in the second one, it was a final blow to an already defeated army.
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I ’ve lived all of my 59 years in New Jersey. I grew up in a Hershey Summer Sizzler 223 Defender Hockey Tournaments shirt sized city where homes were right next to each other. The streets were our playground . Football, baseball , stickball, we played them all in the streets. Sometimes an elderly neighbor would complain about our noise or become upset by footballs bouncing off cars and call the police. The police would stop by, ask us to cut down on the noise and go their way. The bicycle was king. It took us everywhere. No parents shuttling us between play dates. If we wanted to go somewhere, we took our bikes. Fast forward 20 or so years I moved to the “country”. At least New Jersey’s version of it. Not quite like the country in Alabama, Vermont or Nebraska, but where I live now I can’t put the trash out too early, lest the local bear will rip into it.
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