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The Rogue want’s to look for a anything she can use to pick a lock. Well, there wasn’t anything there to begin with, but she rolled a 20! Turns out some previous prisoner left a Real Women Love Basketball Teams Smart Women Love The Grizzlies Signature Shirt set of prison-made lockpicks. They didn’t exist until the Rogue went looking. So she picks the lock…and rolls a 1. Not only do the picks break, but the guards are alerted and now they’ve stripped the party down to their underwear, because obviously the picks were smuggled in. At their wits end, and convinced they’re going to die, the Cleric prays to his god for the souls of his fellows. Now, it’s down to the wire, and damnit, I really don’t want to hang them. So suddenly one of the guards is a follower of the same god as the Cleric. And in this town, they’re not too fond of the God of Tits and Wine. Realizing the Cleric is church brother, the guard enters the cell, informs the Cleric that GTW is pretty frowned upon hereabouts, and if they’d like to keep their heads firmly attached to their shoulders, he should keep quiet about it. Then, when he leaves the cell, have him remark that he needs to make sure the cell is definitely, absolutely, locked, and that he musn’t forget like last time.

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Oh, and don’t forget: the tentacles of the Mind Flayers leave scars. You don’t face down horrors like these without losing something. Leave a few long-term effects, like a little bit of insanity. Maybe a character who came too close to them forever after has certain phobias. Maybe they have insomnia or recurring nightmares. Or maybe the scars are on a larger level, such as the large blighted area that has now formed around the crashed Mind Flayer ship, or the ruins of their dungeon. Maybe the humans they experimented on have developed mental powers themselves and become villains in the area. Maybe a Mind Flayer or two escaped and now plots its revenge. A great plot point would be if a piece of Mind Flayer consciousness got trapped in one of the PCs or an important NPC, causing changes in personality alongside new abilities.
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