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Overall, Goblins and Orcs are just people in my campaign. I don’t really treat them differently than I would Elves or Dwarves, I just acknowledge that a lot the LSU Baseball Paul Skenes Keepin’ It 100+ Shirt two’s cultural traditions aren’t as acceptable to humanoid settlements as the latter two cultures. The result of that is that more Goblins/Orcs end up assimilating and to greater degrees than their Elf/Dwarf counterparts. Someone like Emetta who was raised by a human parent in Laviguer is for all intents and purposes human, especially when you stand her next to someone like Azuch. However, most people looking on will only see two Orcs and treat them both accordingly. Like the Player’s Handbook alludes with Tieflings: Even if you’re not born evil, prejudice and people always assuming the worst can certainly push you there. I use the Volo’s canon that Orcs feel the pull of Gruumsh, and I keep that in mind when I make an Orc NPC. For instance, Faustus feels the pull of Gruumsh much harder than Azuch, but Azuch always listens to the Gruumsh ‘voice’ inside his head, while Faustus refuses. Conversely, Zharukk hears a lot more Grazz’t in his head than Gruumsh, but he listens to the latter far more often.

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Simply look at Steve Jobs, the guy who ran Apple so well. He was a Official John Hunter Nemechek Joe Gibbs Racing Team Collection Mobil 1 Car Shirt believer in “natural” medicine, in fact he wouldn’t bathe since he felt this somehow or other weakened him but his fellow workers had lots of problems with this. He developed Pancreatic Cancer nothing may have done him any good but from the little that I’ve found on his case he may have had a rare case, like Ruth Bader Ginsberg, where prompt surgery may have saved him. He wanted to try some “natural treatments” first, he did, and you know how that turned out. Just because you know a lot about a lot of things don not assume that you know everything about everything. He was in many ways a brilliant man in most areas but not in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. The worst part is he got a liver transplant later on when he decided to try regular medicine, something that might have saved someone who really needed it. So sad.
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