Monday, November 29, 2021

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 Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt

In 1999 when the US women’s national soccer team won the Women’s World Cup, they scrimmaged, earlier in the year, the US national Boys under 15 B-team. Twice. And Lost both times 5–0. I know many men in their 30s and 40s who play some serious “pick-up” basketball during the week (evenings after work). Many of these guys could Not make their college’s varsity team or were a perpetual bench sitter. When a 25-something woman who Started for a good NCAA D-1 women’s team plays with them, she has no chance and can’t keep up. I play ice hockey with a group of over-50 ice hockey players, and most of them (not me) played college D-1 hockey, one was with the 1976 Olympic team and several played pro hockey in Europe after college. But now they are over 50. During Christmas they invite some current college players to scrimmage with us. When current NCAA D-1 women play with us, we take the puck easily away from Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt, and out skate them…….

Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt(Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt)

We have double standards at play as far as exes are concerned. The male has always been seen as the title. The predator! But when it’s over, he must relent. The female (however) can do basically what she wants! She has something men want remember! So fellow quorans go ahead and wish a merry Christmas to your female ex girlfriend IF she wished you merry Christmas FIRST. As a rule we should have no further contact with our exes. Only if there are children involved should we have any contact. Remember that unwritten law quorans. Double standards at play. We males must tread carefully. The female ex has always had carte blanche to do what she wants. She can send merry Christmas texts to the ex who dumped her and nobody blinks an eye! If the male ex has been dumped, he mustn’t chase after her. Sending her a Christmas text would be seen as chasing, stalking by some feminists.

Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Vneck, Unisex and T-shirt

Maybe that’s why I just love Santa, Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, Christmas decor, Christmas Trees and Christmas MUSIC! Cause we never really had it…though my parents always had Xmas music on as we lit Hanukkah candles and opened Hanukkah presents. Haha. We never had stockings, or left cookies out for Santa, cause he passed over our house. Blah and ugh. Yea, as kids we were a little resentful of that. sighs. I remember once as a little kid my mom took me to the mall to get my pic with Santa and when he asked me (this little blonde hair blue eyed girl) what I wanted for Xmas I looked at him and I started crying. I said I am Jewish… think I yelled at him…you don’t ever come to my house. And, he looked at me like so confused and lost…the $10 dollar an hour Santa was at a loss for words, not sure what to say to me…..I held on to his arm and I begged him to come to our house just this one time. My mom had to pull me away. He seemed relieved however, he did promise me he would come. And that year we left cookies out for him (in the shape of Jewish stars and Dreidels) and carrots on the lawn for the Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt. And what do you know, he actually did come to my house…. I will say I was so so happy. sighs oh the joys of being a child.

Best Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt

They got triggered. Their whole worldview where they’re the center of the universe came crashing down. They overreacted. They described it as a religious war. A war on Christmas. The most popular news station in the Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt, bleated about it every time anyone tried to be more inclusive as a grand affront and insult on a nationwide scale. They sounded the alarms. They manufactured a false narrative of being under assault. A clash of cultures. Then, foolish people believed it. Wishing little Timmy a birthday?! To arms! To arms! The PC brigade are coming! Protest! Complain! Print newspaper articles! Run segments on television! It expanded and expanded, with none of these people stopping to think for even the second it would have taken, to realize that it was they who were being the word police, or that they didn’t believe their own argument.

Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt(Real Animal Facts Workers Of The World Unite Shirt)

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