Monday, August 9, 2021

Official Third Wheel T shirt

 Ah, where to start. I have 2 friends who I’m extremely fond of Official Third Wheel T shirt. One I’ve known what feels like my whole life, the other is someone who strangely through weird connections joined our friend group at the beginning of this year. Whole-life-friend [A] and I although having met new-friend [B] before at various times, have become super close to B in the days of quarantine. B has gone from an acquaintance to absolutely invaluable both of us.

Most of our conversations with B have been online, despite being in the same city, where we’ve video chatted into long hours of the night, watched movies, you name it. And pretty early on I realised them both starting to develop feelings for each other, but have only finally got both of them to admit it to me separately.

And they’re so good for each other. This is the OTP I’ve been shipping. They’re healthy and functional and caring and kind in exactly the ways the other person needs. And I know beyond a doubt that BOTH have deep deep feelings, the L-word may have been mentioned.

As with most friends-to-lovers dynamics, the fear of losing the friendship and making everything awkward after friendzoning is dominant in their minds. I get it, I do – I myself have vehemently ignored all signs of my own feelings to friends because of the implications to the friendship. But I also know overthinking is bound to lead to regrets when they’re operating from the panic of trying not to have feelings for a friend. And they also aren’t privy to the information I have of both of them being absolutely smitten with the other.

Nice this girl loves heavy metal collection guitar shirt

Top born To Drive Excavators Forced To Go To School Blood Moon Shirt

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